APWU 26th Convention August 2022

On the floor of the convention. Voting, speeches and more voting on issues that affect each of us.

Thousands of Union delegates representing locals all over 50 states and territories.

Vermon, Bridgett, Mack and I at the convention. We voted on over 100 resolutions to be negotiated for the next contract.
Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center

A beautiful place for a convention!

Spacious walk ways.

Windows gallour!

The Potomac River
Convention Pictures

Voting was done with red and green cards.

National Clerk Craft Director, Samuel Lisenbe.

Side room caucus taking place on important issues.

Thank You!
To a great staff for 1477 local. Vermon, Bridgett and Mac you have been there for me every step of the way. Thanks for putting up with me and standing with me for our members! Your input and guidance is greatly appreciated! A special thanks to Kay Johnson for booking the hotels, making flight reservations and coordinating everything!